Ladies and gentlemen I present to you a rare and elusive book update…. (Best said in a dramatic whisper – extra points if you can do a David Attenborough impression).
My house looks like a bomb has hit it, I’ve been living off microwave meals and my garden is full of weeds, but Which Way is Starboard Again? the book is several steps closer to existence.
After deathly silence for what felt like forever the edited version of my manuscript suddenly turned up in my inbox. To my surprise it hadn’t been cut to pieces, instead the editors wanted extra information…. in approximately 10 days.
Cue late nights, messy house and mountains of paper with scribbles on them.
Ollie did his best to help, acting as a paperweight and laptop warmer though.

I’m really pleased with what they’ve done with it. They’ve tightened it up so it flows much better and picked up on a few things I wouldn’t have thought of. The whole process has been really quite fascinating.
It’s been a bit of a process for me too. The re-read brought out all sorts of neuroses. I utterly convinced myself that the book was shallow, full of clichรฉs, wasn’t that funny and just tried too hard. Then I got worried about the content. We only dipped our toes in the various cultures and various places before we moved on to the next, what if it was too once-over-lightly? What if I got the wrong end of the stick. I admired the people we met in the islands so very much the last thing I wanted to do was write something that might upset them. There were several times when I was sorely tempted to screw the whole thing up and bury it in the garden.
The other thing I’m a bit nervous about is that some of the extra material they were after was about living with mental illness. I agonised about whether to mention it in the book at all but then realised that sailing offshore with an anxiety disorder is actually something to be pretty proud of and that letting other people living with same condition know stuff like that is possible is actually pretty important.
It’s a hard balance when you are trying to write a sailing yarn that makes people laugh – I hope I’ve managed it alright.
So poor old Paddy has had to put up with me second-guessing myself – What if it’s self-indulgent? What if people hate it? He’s been a trooper though and a real help. I know I’d be much more of a mess without him.

The publishers have been great, answering all my silly questions straight away and letting me know what’s going to happen next. I have even seen a mock-up of the cover and, while its far too early to share, I can assure you it’s going to be AWESOME!
Now the only thing I have left to do is write the acknowledgements, then the eds add my changes and it goes to a type-setter. If all goes well I may even be seeing a physical copy sometime in December. The plan is to have everything printed by February and in the shops in March or April.
Holy crap. I’m an author!
Awesome! With the Wolliver and Paddy taking turns on the tiller I am sure it will be relatively “plain sailing”.
P.S. I don’t think APN or Fairfax will picking Olly up anytime soon. He seems more of the novelist or poetry type to me ๐
Yeah, between the two of them they’ve pretty much sorted it out! Ollie did write a poem once;
“I like food,
Food is good
Give me moar
Om nom nom” – apparently it was a hit in the backyard feline poetry slams
So awesome, so exciting, what a moment in life, to get your book published, by an actual publishing company too. And to get this kind of professional direction from them is gold.
I’m with the publisher about writing more on the anxiety. It’s what drew me to your blog in the first place. As an ocean sailer who is at times, many times, plagued by anxiety, nausea, and self-doubt but still subjects themselves to seasickness, storms at sea, storms inside the boat, and on some trips the endless tiredness of night watches, I want to see inside your head about how you did it and lived to tell the tale. ๐ Janet
Thanks Janet! It’s so nice to know there are other people out there who go through all of this and still do it anyway. I think we are a special kind of loony. I’ve added more of the anxiety stuff in so hopefully it all works out okay ๐