Well it happened.
I got ‘the call’ from the publisher – Starboard has been out for a year and the copies they have left aren’t moving anymore.
With limited space in their warehouse it was time for the oldies to make way for the new kids, leaving me with the choice of buying up the stock they had left or letting them pulp the excess.
Because I couldn’t bear the thought of my first book becoming garden mulch, there really was no choice.
So I am now the proud owner of 22 boxes of my own book.

All up I sold just over 1000 copies, which isn’t too bad for a first book with a Kiwi publisher. Now it’s my job to move the rest.
I’m still fundraising for the Mental Health Foundation so if you or someone you know would like to contribute to that you can buy it here for $19.99, with 50% of the proceeds going to them
If that’s not affordable for you though, just drop me a line at whichwayisstarboardagain@gmail.com and we can sort something out – I have plenty of them!

Other plans for this many books include; building a giant book fort and filling a pool with them so I can swim about in them ala Scrooge McDuck.
I was hoping to make one of those cool book Christmas trees you see on Pinterest but with copies of the same book but I ran out of time before Christmas (I suspect I will still have enough left to be able to do it next year though!)
Any other suggestions for what to do with a stupid amount of books would be much appreciated!
Please don’t think I’m having a cry here. As I said, I think Starboard went pretty well for a first book by a new kid. I just wasn’t going to let what was left be turned into mush. Thank you so much to the thousand plus people who bought it, to those who bought the e-book, to those who got it out of the library and recommended it to their friends. The support has been amazing and overwhelming.
And yes, there will be more. I’m working on a couple of projects at the moment (fiction this time) and there will be a Starboard followup when life lets us do another big trip.
Will keep you posted!
Make sure Libraries have them, and given half is for the MHF, invoice the libraries. A bit cheeky, but it may pay off. Maybe construct a website with a link to your paypal account, and include whatever postage and handling might amount to. The website might also garner international sales. There are plenty of website templates around and I am sure PH could assist. Bonne Chance!
Libraries have definitely got it – trust me I checked! The publisher sorted that out at the beginning. Funny though, I was thinking of setting up an author page at some point because I am working on things other than Starboard so that might be a good sales point. Waiting till I’ve got a bit more material though. Thanks for the suggestion!
By website, I meant dedicated webpage which is the landing page, that clearly differentiates the book sale page from the blog. Just a suggestion 🙂