Wellington to Auckland in pictures

Our neighbours Mike and Dani wave us off
Yay!! It looks like I’m able to upload photos again so I am going to stuff as many as I can into this post. The technical difficulties may have stemmed from the fact that the wifi antenna at the yacht club was left sitting on a rather jaunty angle after some rather gnarly winds swept through here. It appears to be upright again now, so fingers crossed!
Paddy with our shiney new NZ ensign flag ready for duty
 I should probably also mention that I have Cal the travelling good luck troll with me as I upload, so credit where credit’s due 🙂
Fergus takes the wheel
Night watches were a little chilly until we got further north!
First mate Fergus
Heading round East Cape
East Cape
Fergus hoping in vain for some wind to blow us around East Cape


It's a tough life!
Leaving Whitianga after refuelling due to lack of wind
Paddy playing with his navigating toys



Sun setting over Needle Rock leaving Whitianga
Needle Rock
A slightly salty sunset
There are some much better sunset shots from the Opua trip!
Auckland skyline - lots and lots of lights!
The awesome orange flowers work gave me before we left
Okay, so the last shot has nothing to do with the Welly to Auckland trip – I just really like the flowers!