Whenever I think about being an author I feel like a giant fraud. Like any minute now someone is going to come tap me on the shoulder ask for my credentials and force me to admit I’m just pretending.
The packages that I arrived home to this afternoon however are forcing me to accept that this might not actually be the truth.
Two boxes with ‘Which Way is Starboard’ printed on the side and ‘author – Anna Kirtlan’ on the address label have made everything seem very, very real.

I have a partly written blog on the sailing trip which I will put up, but just quickly in the meantime – here are the details of the book launch(es):
Firstly there’s a ‘lunchtime event’ at Unity Books. The word ‘event’ makes me a bit nervous. I hope they don’t expect me to sing and dance! What I will do is blah a bit, read a bit and sign stuff. If that sounds like your sort of thing, I would love to see you there!
For those of you who can’t make that, or would prefer something where there is booze, I am also having a shindig upstairs at the Evans Bay Yacht Club
There is also a trip down South planned with a launch at Oamaru’s Adventure Books during Anzac weekend – details and confirmed date to come in another blog.
So, it’s all on folks! I’m quietly terrified but very excited, will keep you posted.
Congratulations. That is no mean feat. Well done.
I must meet you someday – Oh First Mate of young Paddy.
Dave Lampitt
Mobile +64 27 472 2364
Ph +64 9 410 5287,
4 Arrow Road, Forrest Hill,
Auckland 0620, New Zealand
LinkedIn: linkedin – Dave Lampitt
Thanks Dave – sounds like a plan!
Wish we could be there, especially at the Evans Bay bash. Hanging out in Bay of Islands, less than a month till we go. When can I get ebook? 🙂 Janet
Ooh! How exciting! That’ll be us this time next year! Eek! Couple of e book options up at the mo (amazon and google play) – will blog when the rest (Kobo etc) are. Links below
Hi Anna
I am inspired by you getting your book published. I have just finished writing my book about my ups and downs with Bipolar Disorder. My main aim of sharing my story is to help others feel less alone, make them laugh and to give hope. So I have finished my book. Where to from here? Could you possibly point me in the right direction of publishing and editing. Congratulations on your book.
Kind Regards
Hi Annemarie. Good for you! We need more books like that! I got my tips in a very professional fashion (I googled ‘how to get published in New Zealand) and found the New Zealand Society of Authors. They put out a booklet and advice on getting published which I followed to the letter and it seemed to work http://www.authors.org.nz/wawcs0137983/Getting-Published.html The trick is not to send the full manuscript, rather some sample chapters and summaries of the rest. That gives the publisher a chance to get an overview and work with you on what they think will make it the best it can be. Good luck and keep me posted! I’d love to buy a copy when it’s available 🙂
Thanks Anna for your advice. I will keep you updated for sure. I am really excited about it and anxious all in the same moment. The more of us that get out stories out there the better.
Take care and thank you ?
Hi Anna
I am inspired by you getting your book published. I have just finished writing my book about my ups and downs with Bipolar Disorder. My main aim of sharing my story is to help others feel less alone, make them laugh and to give hope. So I have finished my book. Where to from here? Could you possibly point me in the right direction of publishing and editing. Congratulations on your book.
Kind Regards