Just a quick blog to say hallelujah the boat is back in the water!
It’s taken a lot longer than we anticipated – for reasons that shall be explained in another blog – and it is a massive relief to finally have our lives back again.
What was meant to take a few weeks stretched to a couple of months, with daylight savings a real spanner in the works, but we got there in the end. I also discovered a ‘talent’ I never knew I had – boat artiste!
When we hauled Wildflower out of the water she was a bit rusty and crusty and definitely needed some TLC
Part of that was sanding back the nobbly bits on the hull and paint it with a rust preventer, which left her a little bit splodgy.
Then I discovered one of the splodges looked a bit like the Loch Ness Monster – so I just added a few more details…

Then along came Harry Potter

We painted all through Easter weekend so the Easter Bunny came to visit
And, not my best work, but it had to be done
Once we moved on to the anti-foul I was able to apply some lippy
I also spent a bit of time inside the bilge with a torch twisting myself into strange positions. It was while doing this that I learned a valuable lesson. If you are going to hold a torch in your mouth because you need both hands it pays to check it for paint first. Also, boat paint doesn’t taste nice.
Then we had to cover all my lovely artwork up!
Well at least I know it’s there!
So now we are floating again. Something we haven’t done for a while, and it feels good!